Last update: January 10th, 2014
The Netherlands (2000-2001)
Belgium (2003)
Spain (2005)
Canada (2005)
South Africa (2006)
Norway (2009)
Sweden (2009)
Portugal (2010)
Iceland (2010)
Argentina (2010)
Denmark (2012)
New Zealand (2013)
Uruguay (2013)
France (2013)
Brazil (2013)
England and Wales (2013)
In some states:
The United States (18 states and D.C.)
As of January 2014, seventeen states (California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington), as well as the District of Columbia, have legalized same-sex marriage. In addition Utah has had marriage equality but that decision has been stayed by SCOTUS.
Mexico (2 states and M.C.)
Proposed in other countries:
Scotland (2013) - Guaranteed to pass later in 2014
Germany (2013) - Enough votes to pass even if CDU-CSU votes 100% against
Israel (2013) - Largely scrapped, civil unions proposed
Italy (2013) - Not enough support, civil unions proposed
Colombia (2013) - Legally in dispute, Court recognizes but Legislature does not
Luxembourg (2013) - Guaranteed to pass later in 2014
Taiwan (2013) - Situation unclear, but probably passes.
Finland (2013-2014) - Debate underway due to Citizen's initiative
Ireland (2013-2014) - Referendum scheduled for 2015, all parties in favor
Vietnam (2014) - Situation unclear, life partnership proposed
Nepal (2014) - Situation unclear, tied to constitutional debate
Austria (2014) - introduced by the Greens in January, probably enough votes to pass
Venezuela (2014) - proposed in January by liberal activists, no comment from Maduro yet
Mexico (2014) - Federal
Switzerland (2014) - proposed by the Greens in January, unclear vote tally
Speculated to be introduced:
Chile (2013-2014) --after election-- - Bachelet elected, promises to put forward marriage
Australia (2013-2014) --after election-- Rumors of Liberal revolt, more votes to pass than before
Albania (2013-2015) --after election-- No update in 2014 so far
Andorra (2014-2016) No update in 2014 so far
Czech Republic (2014-2020) --majority in favor-- No update in 2014 so far
Before 2020:
Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania (after 2016) No update in 2014 so far
Malta --majority in favor-- No update in 2014 so far
Turkey No update in 2014 so far
Northern Ireland No update in 2014 so far
Before 2030:
Hungary --more than 30% support-- No update in 2014 so far
S. Korea No update in 2014 so far
Poland No update in 2014 so far
Slovenia No update in 2014 so far
Slovakia No update in 2014 so far
Greece No update in 2014 so far
Nearly impossible to imagine:
All African countries (except Cape Verde)
All other Asian countries
Russia, Moldova, Macedonia, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Romania, Cyprus, Montenegro, Armenia